Foods To Beat Winter Depression

During winter it is often seen that people become depressed or depressed, experts attribute this depression to the change in weather and lack of daylight.

Foods To Beat Winter Depression

But don't worry, you can protect yourself from this change in weather and its negative effects on mood by consuming the four healthy foods listed below.



Asparagus is a vegetable that is high in folic acid and the protein in it helps to replenish the necessary amount of serotonin in your blood, which can keep your mood up to a great extent.

Research has shown that consuming a vegetable similar to asparagus can also reduce depression and may help to gradually reduce the need for anti-depressant medications if you are taking them. Most importantly, the folate in it keeps you sociable even during the gloomy season.



The advantage of curd is that it contains more calcium than milk. Calcium contains mood-boosting neurotransmitters that help control anxiety, depression, and irritability in your body.

Yogurt contains body-friendly acids that help boost the metabolic system in your body and is also effective in reducing excess body fat.

Sardines or small fish

Sardines or small fish

Sardines or small fish contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which are effective in maintaining a happy mood by affecting your mind.

Sardines contain nutrients that, when consumed in excess, help reduce depression hormones in your body.

Consuming sardines during this cold season of depression also helps in reducing anxiety.

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